Digital Prints

Miss MacEhern

Family genealogists can request any image from the SHPA for inclusion in a private family photo album, or to be framed as a wall display or gift. Customers who simply like a print of an image can also use this service. We only ask for clarification in order to ensure we keep track of how useful the archive has been to family historians.

We can provide the requested photograph by Royal Mail as a photographic digital print. The images are printed onto a high quality gloss or matt photocard and delivered by mail to your address.

Digital prints are very similar to photographic prints. If you intend to frame your print behind glass then we recommend that you select the matt finish so that you get less light reflection from the print/glass.

If you require a print to be pre-framed you will need to contact us in order for an individual quote to be generated.

If ordering from outside the UK, the postage and packaging costs will be much less if you purchase the image unframed. For bulk purchases of prints for commercial properties, we can arrange a discount package based on the quantity and size of the prints required. Please contact us for a quote.

Digital prints on gloss, or matt photocard:

A5 gloss/matt — £7.00 + postage (£1.00)

A4 gloss/matt — £8.50 + postage (£1.50)

A3 gloss/matt — £15.00 + postage (£4.00)